LMSI Online Portal
In order to complement the other outputs, the project developed an online platform designed to provide a range of LMSI data and resources. These both feed into the GBL experience and act as stand-alone resources for use by practitioners when offering guidance to young people around education transitions.
About the LMSI Online Portal
The LMSI online portal serves a number of functions to compliment the other Level Up Project outputs. In particular, the platform provides information about the project digital game. The online portal also hosts a range of LMSI resources which provide the user with additional information which they can use to further develop what they gain from the digital game, learning material and ebook. The website can also serve to support Career Guidance Professionals in their practice.
Information about the Game
The online portal provides a wide range of information about the Level Up 2 VET game and serves as a promotional tool for the game, which is available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store
Advice on how to use the Game
The online portal provides advice to both players playing the game independently and Career Guidance Professionals on how the game can be used to support learning and what can be done “in the real world” to support the learning gained from the game
“Next Steps” to support learning from the game
The portal provides a wide range of support designed to help players “take the next steps” in pursuing a specific career – including where to apply for training, what can be done to prepare and how to learn more about the career path. Specific links and information for each VET career within the game for each partner country is provided to ensure practical and relevant information and guidelines are presented.
LMSI data and resources
The portal provides a wide range of LMSI data specific to each of the VET career paths identified in the game. This includes data on current average demand for the VET career across Europe, the average wage, where in Europe demand is high, what areas are employing the career in question, etc. This LMSI data is drawn from a range of sources, primarily the EU data portal Skills Panorama
The portal serves to provide information about the developed project digital game, to help support its use
This includes information about the game, how to play it, how it can be used for learning, etc.
The portal also provides details on how to access the game
The portal supports transfer of learning from within the game to help players and Career Guidance Professionals take the next steps
The portal identifies and provides links to resources which players can use in order to progress their interest in the career in question
Each country from the project partnership provided their own recommendations and links so that – depending on the language the portal is being viewed in – the resources presented are nationally relevant
The portal also provides a wide range of LMSI data from a number of European sources to help provide additional information – including a ‘state of the art’ for each of the different VET careers featured in the game
This LMSI data includes information on the current average demand for the VET career across Europe, the average wage, where in Europe demand is high, etc
The portal also links to a range of European resources which can help support this process – including the Europass platform
In order to ensure that the plans for Level Up’s outputs are suited to the needs and activities of the VET sector, the project undertook a survey of the current approaches found in the countries involved in the project.
This included the design of VET systems, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as key decision points and the role of guidance in the VET process. This information has been used to highlight common challenges and needs which the other Level Up outputs will look to address.